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© CIAO Africa 2024 

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CIAO AFRICA serves as a bridge between the Italian market and that of West Africa. Our services aim to achieve the best results for our clients, making our institution the best choice to grow your business!



Feasibility studies

We deal with research, statistical surveys and business analyzes with the aim of providing fundamental information to Italian companies that wish to enter the West African market, with internationalization possibilities, by helping to develop the best possible business strategy.



Scouting and B2B meetings

We find your next potential clients, investors, joint venture partners and technology transfer agents, for B2B in West Africa and Italy.




We identify the perfect importers, distributors, suppliers and potential customers so that your business can efficiently export from Italy to West Africa and vice versa.



Marketing studies

We provide statistics, information on customs duties, competitive analysis and an overall assessment of the possibilities for your business to enter the West African market or Italy.




The Chamber offers its clients an excellent event organization service. We manage several each year!



Legal, tax and administrative assistance

In all countries where we are present.



Assistance in finding financing

We are in permanent contact with the main local and international cooperations and organizations likely to finance your business and can help you prepare the file.




We represent the requests of our members to the Italian authorities and those of the African countries in which we are present.




Contact us for a quote at